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Presses des Ponts book: Le chemin de fer du canal de l'ourcq, projets et débats (The Ourcq Canal Railway, projects and debates)

06 June 2024 News
Viewed 156 times

Presses des Ponts has published the book

" Le chemin de fer du Canal de l'Ourcq, projets et débats 1837-1841".

by Karen Sitowie

To mark the occasion, a book signing took place on Tuesday June 4 at the Maison des Ponts, in partnership with Rails & Histoire, l'association de l'Histoire des Chemins de Fer.

An hour and a half of debate and presentation of the book on the railroad project.

In the presence of :
► Paul Smith, Historian, General Secretary of Silac, Comité d'Information et de Liaison pour l'Archéologie, l'Etude de la mise en valeur du Patrimoine industriel, moderator of this debate.
►Karen BOWIE - our author, Historian of architecture and cities, Emeritus Professor at the Écoles Nationales Supérieures d'Architecture.
►Francis BEAUCIRE - Geographer, Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
► Bertrand LEMOINE - Architect, Engineer and Historian.

To find out more about the book, visit the Presses des Ponts website:

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