Presses des Ponts book: Le chemin de fer du canal de l'ourcq, projets et débats (The Ourcq Canal Railway, projects and debates)

Presses des Ponts has published the book
" Le chemin de fer du Canal de l'Ourcq, projets et débats 1837-1841".
by Karen Sitowie
To mark the occasion, a book signing took place on Tuesday June 4 at the Maison des Ponts, in partnership with Rails & Histoire, l'association de l'Histoire des Chemins de Fer.
An hour and a half of debate and presentation of the book on the railroad project.
In the presence of :
► Paul Smith, Historian, General Secretary of Silac, Comité d'Information et de Liaison pour l'Archéologie, l'Etude de la mise en valeur du Patrimoine industriel, moderator of this debate.
►Karen BOWIE - our author, Historian of architecture and cities, Emeritus Professor at the Écoles Nationales Supérieures d'Architecture.
►Francis BEAUCIRE - Geographer, Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
► Bertrand LEMOINE - Architect, Engineer and Historian.
To find out more about the book, visit the Presses des Ponts website:
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