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Soirée des Ponts, May 16: a great time!

14 June 2024 News
Viewed 150 times

Many of you turned out on May 16 for thePonts Alumni Annual General Meeting , followed by the Ponts Soirée, to share a convivial moment and keep up to date with the latest news from your school, Ponts Alumni and the Foundation.

The evening was also an opportunity for Thierry Déau (class of 93L) to hand over the presidency of the Association to Boris Rowenczyn (class of 03L ), and to give a voice to our female comrades, whose portraits will illuminate the photo exhibition prepared as part of the Marie-France Clugnet exhibition, watch the teaser for the film "Construire" produced by the Foundation and Ecole des Ponts, award prizes for excellence to brilliant young graduates and PhD students from the Ecole and its labs, and share an exchange and a vision of tomorrow's world and the role that engineers trained at Les Ponts will have to play in it.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to Pierre Esparbès (class of 97) for welcoming us to SMABTP headquarters.

While we wait for the film of the 2024 event, take a look at some of the best moments in the photo album below.

The next Soirée des Ponts will take place on April 29, 2025.

in a magnificent setting, the Musée du Quai Branly Jacques Chirac

Mark your calendars now!

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