Monday 10 March at 19:15 - Paris
The future of our mountains: a debate for a responsible future
Our mountains tomorrow: debate for a responsible future To shed light on this issue, Sciences Po Alumni's...
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Our mountains tomorrow: debate for a responsible future To shed light on this issue, Sciences Po Alumni's...
Networking 100% online | 100% efficient Tuesday, March 11, 6:30 pm to 8 pm Networking is the key to a dynamic and progressive career! And yet, all too often, we wait...
To all our friends from the class of 1972, We are pleased to confirm that we will be meeting again on Monday 17 March 2025 from 6.30 pm at the Maison des Ponts (rue Boissière, Paris) for a dinner that...
Following the success of the "Becoming a comex member: changes, objectives and reality" dinner-debate held in March 2024, AX is delighted to announce the second edition of...
Grandes Ecoles au Féminin a le plaisir de vous inviter à un petit déjeuner débat avecMichel KAHANPrésident de Syntec-Ingénierieet président du groupe setec Sur le thème des...
Hervé Bommelaer and Olivier Schaeffer, both partners at outplacement firm Enjeux Dirigeants, will be presenting their latest book, "Trouver le bon emploi grâce à ChatGPT",...
After working for a while, you'd like to start out as an independent consultant. Whether you have 10 years' experience or 30, you have questions and/or experiences to...
Conference organized by Club Mines Finance, in association with Ponts Finance and Télécoms Finance With Stéphane Woerther, Managing Director, Head of Project and Climate...
The Ponts Construction trade group is pleased to welcome for dinner Bernard CATHELAIN(X 80 - Ponts 85) Member of the Executive Board of Société du Grand Paris Bernard...
The international sponsorship team offerspairs (godparents and godchildren) a privatea private guided tour " Design and creation of the gardens of the Château de Versailles ...
In an ever-changing world, change management is a key factor in a company's development, and even its survival. How do you manage change in the right conditions, in a way...
After working for a while, you'd like to start out as an independent consultant. Whether you have 10 years' experience or 30, you have questions and/or experiences to...
Dear Comrades, Less than a year after our last Promo meeting on September 10, 2024, and in accordance with the wishes of a very large majority of you, we propose to meet...
Since 1993, the Clubs des Clubs Immobiliers association has federated the alumni associations of France's grandes écoles and universities, whose members work in the real...
After working for a while, you'd like to start out as an independent consultant. Whether you have 10 years' experience or 30, you have questions and/or experiences to...
After working for a while, you'd like to start out as an independent consultant. Whether you have 10 years' experience or 30, you have questions and/or experiences to...