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Webinar: Improve your efficiency, manage your time and stress on a daily basis

In today's professional world, one of the major challenges for many of us is to move from a feeling of time suffered to a feeling oftime chosen, and to face our workload with serenity.

During this webinar, Annabelle Dietrich will present tools to help you define your priorities and organize your time in a way that combines well-being and efficiency. Put an end to fire-fighter mode!

You'll also become aware of your time thieves and (re)save time on a daily basis by working on them using the Kaizen method.

Managing stress, too, can help you to be more effective at work, which is why the cardiac coherence method will be presented to you at the end of the webinar.

Take the time to take part in this webinar, and earn more later!

Webinar organized by UniAgros, in partnership with Ponts Alumni

Tuesday 24 September 2024
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 23rd September
Online event
  • 15 € Members

  • 25 € Non-members and outsiders

Annabelle DIETRICH

Annabelle Dietrich is an agricultural engineer with a degree from Institut Agro Dijon and a Master's degree in environmental studies from INSA Lyon. A corporate manager for 11 years, she is now a certified coach from the Institut des Neurosciences Appliquées de Paris and holds a bachelor's degree in CSR.

Founder of Coach'motive for almost 15 years, Annabelle is :

- An adventurer in people: accelerating change and revealing talent,

- A promoter of good resolutions and a creator of commitment at work,

- For caring managers and autonomous, responsible teams.

Its values: Positive vision, Enthusiasm, Creativity, Fun, Adaptability.

Her credo: Gain in efficiency, agility and serenity!

Her services include: individual coaching, team building, conferences (on softskills, teleworking, Quality of Life at Work, etc.), management training (in-house or 100% distance learning), change management, personalized outplacement, skills assessment and CSR audit & support.

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Tuesday 24 September 2024
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 23rd September
Online event
  • 15 € Members

  • 25 € Non-members and outsiders

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