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1983, 1984 and 1985 graduation parties


Dear comrades from the classes of 1983, 1984 and 1985.

We are bringing together the 3 classes on

Friday, June 5, 2015

from 6pm

for a cocktail reception

at Maison des Ponts
15 Rue de la Fontaine au Roi 75011 Paris
(metro : République)

The evening will kick off at 6pm with an aperitif, followed by a cocktail dînatoire. ADMISSION €50.

If the weather is fine, tables and seating will be available in the courtyard. If the weather is gloomy, we'll be a little tighter inside.

All alumni from classes 83, 84 and 85 are invited.
We're expecting over 150 people, so it'll be difficult to accommodate spouses (unless they're alumni, of course).

Save the date in your diaries and reserve your place HERE, specifying (for Ile de France colleagues) if you can accommodate one or two colleagues on the evening of June 5, or (for provincial colleagues) if you would like to be accommodated ( please contactIsabelle Delin).

Friday 5 June 2015
18:00 (GMT +2)
Maison des Ponts (Hall Perronet)
15, rue de la Fontaine au Roi
75011 PARIS
  • 50 € Graduate members
    Non-member graduates

Registration closed

Maison des Ponts (Hall Perronet)

15, rue de la Fontaine au Roi
75011 PARIS

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Friday 5 June 2015
18:00 (GMT +2)
Maison des Ponts (Hall Perronet)
15, rue de la Fontaine au Roi
75011 PARIS
  • 50 € Graduate members
    Non-member graduates

Registration closed
  • 71 registrants
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