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Conference: Nuclear power plants in operation: the challenge of major refurbishment, stress corrosion and the continued operation of plants over 60 years old

The Nucléaire Arts et Métiers professional group, in partnership with the Ponts Industrie group, invites you to a conference to be held on Monday September 23 at the Maison des Ingénieurs Arts et Métiers 9 bis avenue d'Iéna from 6.30pm:

Nuclear power plants in operation :

The challenge of major refurbishment, stress corrosion and continued operation of power plants beyond 60 years

Sylvie Richard
Head of the major refurbishment program at EDF's Nuclear Generation Division

The Fukushima accident has raised legitimate questions about the place of nuclear power in the French energy mix. Today, the nuclear industry is the third largest industrial sector in France, and the most important source of electricity in the French power mix. Faced with the challenges of safety, security and performance, the industry's players face a technical and industrial challenge to ensure the continued operation of the fleet and to support the energy transition through the flexibility of the nuclear fleet:

  • Managerial and organizational challenge,
  • Human challenge,
  • Technical challenge with R&D programs.

If we are to continue to operate safely, maintain our competitive edge and keep our place among the world leaders in nuclear power, the "Grand Carénage" (major overhaul) program launched several years ago is one of the most important steps.

To answer all your questions, we have asked Sylvie Richard, Director of the Major Refurbishment Program at EDF's Nuclear Generation Division, to present the Major Refurbishment Program, taking into account feedback from Fukushima, its performance and the outlook for future major refurbishments.

It will also address the treatment and feedback of the stress corrosion phenomenon discovered in 2021.

Finally, we will discuss the conditions for continued operation beyond 60 years, and the timetable for working with ASN.


A graduate of Ensta Paris tech, Sylvie Richard joined EDF in 1996 in an Engineering center before moving to Nuclear Generation in 2001 via the Dampierre en Burly nuclear power plant, then Cabinet Manager for 3 years at Fessenheim before moving to the Tricastin Nuclear Generation Center and becoming its Director from 2013 to 2017.

Then to the central services of the DPN as deputy director then director until 2022.

Since April 2022, Sylvie Richard has been Director of the Grand Carénage program.

Monday 23 September 2024
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
Hôtel des Ingénieurs Arts & Métiers
9 bis avenue d'Iéna
75116 Paris

Hôtel des Ingénieurs Arts & Métiers

9 bis avenue d'Iéna
75116 Paris

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Monday 23 September 2024
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
Hôtel des Ingénieurs Arts & Métiers
9 bis avenue d'Iéna
75116 Paris
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