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Conference: From garage to factory (of the future): a new dimension in hardware startup acceleration

Speaker: Bertrand Marquet - Co-Founder and President of " Les Garages XYZ ".

For a start-up, the transition from prototype to industrialization is a crucial stage, and one that is generally long and complex. To remedy this, Bertrand Marquet islaunching a gas pedal thatbreaks with the current model by integrating a factory at its heart: Les Garages XYZ.

Bertrand Marquet has been based for 18 years in the innovation infrastructures of Alcatel-Lucent (in France and Canada) and Nokia. With his ability to understand and manage innovation processes, he built up the security research and innovation team on the Marcoussis site, then in Ottawa in 1998 and 2001-2005, which enabled him to win the 1st research contract with the Canadian Defense. By founding the 1st European project Eureka Celtic, he received the European Excellence Awards. He launched "Le Garage" in 2014, an open innovation program with makerspace and startups in residence. He was ranked by IT & Technologies magazine as one of France's top 50 innovation personalities in 2015. He is also a member of the TEDxSaclay organizing committee. Since 2016, he has been a board member of IncubAlliance.

Wednesday 11 March 2020
08:30 - 10:30 (GMT +2)
Bridge House
42 rue Boissière
75116 Paris
  • 10 € Contributor rate
    Subscriber rate (partner schools)

  • 15 € Non-contributing and external rates

  • Free remote visio access (free for contributors)

Registration closed

Bridge House

42 rue Boissière
75116 Paris

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Wednesday 11 March 2020
08:30 - 10:30 (GMT +2)
Bridge House
42 rue Boissière
75116 Paris
  • 10 € Contributor rate
    Subscriber rate (partner schools)

  • 15 € Non-contributing and external rates

  • Free remote visio access (free for contributors)

Registration closed
  • 10 registrants
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