Collaborative workshop "Becoming independent and staying independent".
Organised by "XMP Consult"
After working for a while, you'd like to start out as an independent consultant.
Whether you have 10 years' experience or 30, you have questions and/or experiences to share. Come and talk to your peers!
In a small group (around ten people), we share our experiences and questions to help newcomers and enrich our independent practice:
Understanding the independent consultant's business model
How to manage cohabitation, prepare for and manage the transition? Negotiating your departure, preparing your network, identifying the right moment to "switch" to freelance...
Pôle-emploi, choosing the status of your company, social security contributions, salary, taxation, retirement, civil liability, calling in a chartered accountant...
Sales, registering with intermediation platforms, etc.
We also give you access to our collaborative knowledge base.