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Conference: "Zero-carbon strategy in global real estate: an overview".

Organised by "Real Estate Group (French)"

As part of the :

"Cities and real estate in the face of the climate emergency".

X-Ponts Pierre inaugurates a series of 6 meetings focusing on the "real estate" part of the cycle, with a first conference :

"Zero-carbon strategy in global real estate: an overview".

which offers an international view of the subject, based on a summary of a major event organized in April 2022 by Les Ponts' IBD (Real Estate and Sustainable Building) Specialized Master program : a week-long videoconference bringing together 60 experts from 16 countries to discuss carbon-neutral real estate strategies and sustainable construction over the next 30 years in different regions of the world.

The aim is to have a dynamic vision for each region of the world, with sustainable construction policies, strategies, the implementation of large-scale solutions and , ultimately, effective, measurable results.

We are delighted to welcome :

Yamina Saheb

Associate Professorat Sciences Po (Paris)
Lead author of the IPCC report on climate change mitigation and senior researcher at OpenExp

Yamina holds a PhD in energy engineering, a master's degree in landscape architecture and development economics, and an engineering diploma in building technologies.

Yamina Saheb will put the issues into a global context, emphasizing the need for sobriety.

Bruno Mesureur

Civil engineer, graduate of the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), MBA from HEC Paris.
From 2004 to 2012, he led international projects in the field of sustainable construction, notably in partnership with China.He represented CSTB at the Alliance du Bâtiment Durable and coordinates standardization actions at CSTB.He has managed numerous partnerships, notably with American, Canadian, Chinese, Japanese, Moroccan and European partner organizations.
Since 2019, he has been an independent expert and international consultant in the construction sector .

Bruno Mesureur, coordinator and moderator of the international conferences of the Les Ponts IBD Master's program, and a member of its scientific and teaching committee, will present a summary of the international "zero-carbon strategy" week held in April.
He will
also report on the follow-up to the Batimat event in early October .

François Bertière

Former Chairman of Bouygues Immobilier, Chairman of Fiminco REIM, Director of Nhood (Groupe Auchan).
XPonts, architect, former Chairman of the Fondation des Ponts.
Chairman of the "Habitat et Mobilités" group of the Académie des Technologies, Officer of the Légion d'Honneur

François Bertière is sponsoring the entire "City and Real Estate Facing the Climate Emergency" cycle, and will be speaking freely in this capacity, situating the present conference within the cycle as a whole .

The conference will be hosted by Eric Oudard, Vice-Chairman of X-Ponts Pierre.

Cycle partners :

Academy of Technologies

IBD Master's degree (Real Estate and Sustainable Building)

Master's degree in Urban Planning and Management (AMUR )

Mining Planning & Construction

A&M Alumni BTP Immobilier

AMO Association
(Architects and project managers)

Bridges Ecological transition

Bridges Construction

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Tuesday 27 September 2022
    18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 10 € Face-to-face: contributors (X or Ponts)

    • 20 € Face-to-face: non-contributors and outsiders

    • Free Distant: contributors (X or Bridges)

    • 5 € Distanciel: non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed

    Bridge House

    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    Photo gallery

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Tuesday 27 September 2022
    18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 10 € Face-to-face: contributors (X or Ponts)

    • 20 € Face-to-face: non-contributors and outsiders

    • Free Distant: contributors (X or Bridges)

    • 5 € Distanciel: non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed
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