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Conference-debate "Low-carbon neighborhoods: what tools for the urban energy transition?"

Organised by "Real Estate Group (French)"

Conference/debate "Low-carbon neighborhoods: what tools for the energy transition of cities?" at Maison des Ponts, organized by X Environnement, X-Ponts Pierre and Telecom Paris Alumni

Designing low-carbon neighborhoods requires city-wide planning, which poses specific problems in addition to those of low-energy buildings. An active R&D program offers methods and tools for designing low-carbon neighborhoods, based on energy simulation and life-cycle analysis. To find out more about these methods and their prospects for large-scale deployment, we invited :

  • Michel Salem-Sermanet (X86), CEO of Efficacity, the Institute for Urban Energy Transition.
  • Alexis Mariani (X96), Director of Digital Engineering at Setec and former DGA of Rennes Métropole.
  • Laurent Girometti (X94), CEO of EPAMARNE and former director of the DHUP, in charge of the eco-neighborhood program.
  • Émilien Paron (X2008), from CSTB, specialist in energy simulation and environmental impact calculations.

This conference will take place both at the Maison des Ponts, 42 rue Boissière Paris 16e (metro Boissière), and remotely on zoom.

The cocktail reception following the conference is cancelled.

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Tuesday 28 June 2022
    18:00 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • Free New classroom rates: members (X, Ponts, Télécom Paris Alumni)
      Distanciel: members (X, Ponts, Télécom Paris Alumni)

    • 10 € New in-person rates: non-members and outsiders

    • 5 € Distanciel: non-members and outsiders

    Registration closed

    Bridge House

    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Tuesday 28 June 2022
    18:00 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • Free New classroom rates: members (X, Ponts, Télécom Paris Alumni)
      Distanciel: members (X, Ponts, Télécom Paris Alumni)

    • 10 € New in-person rates: non-members and outsiders

    • 5 € Distanciel: non-members and outsiders

    Registration closed
  • 62 registrants
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