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Morning debate: Where is social housing headed? Ways of reforming the French model

Organised by "Real Estate Group (French)"

Places are limited, so register now!

As an essential lever for regulating the housing market to meet the needs of low-income households under affordable rental conditions, the French social housing model has demonstrated its effectiveness in preventing and dealing with housing crises. Having proved resilient in recent times, despite successive crises and the growing dissatisfaction inherent in increasing unmet needs, and having demonstrated aa strong capacity to adapt to changing and increasing economic and budgetary constraints, it still benefits from the financial solidity it has acquired over the years. But no one can reasonably expect this situation to last.

The mission assigned to social housing has evolved: while it remains open to a very large proportion of the population, it must give priority to the most modest households, those who cannot afford decent housing under market conditions. The waiting list for social housing has exceeded 2.2 million households and is growing every year; it takes an average of 5 years to gain access to social housing in mainland France, and more than 10 years in the Ile-de-France region. The social housing stock is unable to meet the growing number of priority requests, and the chances of access to social housing for applicants from large metropolitan areas are diminishing.The social housing stock is unable to respond to the growing number of priority requests, and the chances of access to social housing for applicants from large cities are diminishing, even for the poorest households, if they do not fall within a predefined priority.

Residential career paths are blocked by high rents in the private sector and an insufficient supply of social housing. mobility, which accounts for the bulk of supply each year, is declining, making new construction all the more necessary. But this is hampered by the scarcity of land and rising costs, amplified by the demands of the ecological and climatic transition.ation of social housing through renovation of older buildings is hampered by the legal, financial and fiscal obstacles inherent in urban renewal projects.

In the absence of sufficient supply, and despite a restrictive legislative and regulatory framework, the social mix so sought-after by elected officials and landlords is becoming an unattainable objective, and territorial segregation a major trend.

As a result, the French social housing model has been severely weakened in its response to housing needs and to the economic, sociological and territorial challenges of housing policy.

Unless we want to square the circle, a change in this model has become a matter of urgency. On what assets can we base a new social housing policy? What are the possible ingredients, conditions and objectives? What are the new missions for the players involved: the State, local authorities, landlords and reservers? What steps and support should be envisaged?

To discuss these issues, the X Ponts Pierre professional group is organizing a morning conference on June 28 from 10am to 12:30pm, in person at the Maison des Ponts, 42 rue Boissière, 75016 Paris, or by videoconference. The conference is organized with the support of the Institut pour l'Innovation Economique et Sociale (2IES) and in partnership with Mines Aménagement & Construction and the ACADI association. The conference is open to the general public.

The conference will be moderated by Thierry Verrier, Vice-Chairman of X-Ponts Pierre

The event will feature two guest speakers, experts in housing policy[1] and social housing:

Jean Bosvieux, a statistician and economist, was Director of Studies at the Agence Nationale pour l'Information sur l'Habitat (ANIL), then Director of Economic Studies at the FNAIM. He currently edits the online magazine Politique du

Bernard Coloos was Director of Economic, Financial and International Affairs at the Fédération Française du Bâtiment and Associate Professor at the Master's program in Urban Planning and Development at IEP Paris.

Both are co-authors of 3 books:

"Logement : sortir de la jungle fiscale", Economica, 2016

"Le logement et l'Etat-providence", published by the Institut pour l'Innovation Economique et Sociale (2IES), editions Les ozalids d'humensis, 2020

"Logement social : les enjeux du modèle français, prefaced by Jean-Louis Borloo, published by the Institut pour l'Innovation Economique et Sociale (2IES), editions Les ozalids d'humensis, July 2021

Thanks to the support of the Institut pour l'innovation économique et sociale (2IES),
a convivial cocktail will be served to those registered for the ev

Partners :

X-Ponts Pierre is a professional real estate group shared by the two alumni associations of X (AX) and Ponts (Ponts Alumni), which organizes real estate and urban events for its members and the general public.

The Institut pour l'innovation économique et sociale (2IES) is anendowment fund whose purpose is to explore, reflect on and disseminate new ideas and cross-disciplinary solutions to economic, social and societal ideas and cross-disciplinary solutions to economic, social and societal issues, and to help stimulate democratic debate.

Mines Aménagement & Construction is aprofessional club of the Intermines association for Ecoles des Mines alumni working in or with companies in this sector.

ACADI is an association whose members work to reconcile the social, the environmental and... the economic in the service of the common good. At ACADI, progress is reinvented!

] Jean Bosvieux and Bernard Coloos spoke on December 15, 2020 at a previous videoconference organized with the same partners on the theme of Housing Policy.

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Tuesday 28 June 2022
    10:00 - 12:30 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 10 € On-site: for contributors
      On-site: for AX contributors

    • 15 € Face-to-face: for non-contributors and outsiders

    • Free Distanciel

    Registration closed

    Bridge House

    42 rue Boissière
    75116 Paris

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Tuesday 28 June 2022
    10:00 - 12:30 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 10 € On-site: for contributors
      On-site: for AX contributors

    • 15 € Face-to-face: for non-contributors and outsiders

    • Free Distanciel

    Registration closed
  • 76 registrants
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