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Ponts Transition Écologique conference with Albert Moukheiber

Organised by "Environment"

Ponts Transition Écologique invites you to a mixed conference
(face-to-face and distance learning)

"How can we outwit our brains when faced with the challenges of ecological transition?"
What behavioral sciences can offer decision-makers

Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00 pm

Faced with climate disruption, and the destruction of the ecosystems we are responsible for, and on which we depend, we need to considerably transform the organization of our societies.

Many of us are aware of the future stakes and the urgency of the situation, but paradoxically just as many have not changed our behavior.

This raises a number of questions: Are we really capable of change? What could explain our difficulties in transforming our lifestyles, our organizations, our territories?
What means do we have, on our own scale, to accelerate this ecological redirection?

Research enables us to better understand the behavior and social dynamics of the individuals who shape our societies. Today, it can help us identify the obstacles to the emergence of more sustainable societies, as well as the levers that can be applied at different scales.

Dr. Albert Moukheiber
is a neuroscience researcher and clinical psychologist. He worked for 10 years at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, focusing on anxiety disorders and resilience. Albert has been working as a freelance psychologist for the past 6 years, and teaches Master 2 courses in clinical psychology and psychopathology at the University of Paris 8. At the same time, he and fellow researchers founded Chiasma, a structure that focuses on critical reasoning and mental flexibility; in particular, on how we form our opinions and how this impacts on our decision-making. Albert is also a lecturer and corporate speaker, sharing the latest scientific knowledge about our cognitions and behaviors and how these impact us in our daily lives. Albert is the author of "Votre Cerveau vous joue des tours" (Allary Editions).

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Wednesday 11 May 2022
    19:00 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 Rue Boissière
    75016 Paris
    • 5 € Face-to-face: for contributors
      By video: for non-contributors

    • 10 € Face-to-face: for non-contributors

    • Free By video: for contributors

    Registration closed

    Bridge House

    42 Rue Boissière
    75016 Paris

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Wednesday 11 May 2022
    19:00 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 Rue Boissière
    75016 Paris
    • 5 € Face-to-face: for contributors
      By video: for non-contributors

    • 10 € Face-to-face: for non-contributors

    • Free By video: for contributors

    Registration closed
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