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Station F workshop: How to find your first customers in B2B and B2C thanks to growth hacking?

How do you find your first customers? When you're a young start-up, this is an essential concern:

This workshop, organized by Impulse Partners (Thomas Le Diouron Civ 99) in collaboration with Ponts Alumni at Station F, will show you how to prospect without thinking and without risk.This workshop, presented by Impulse Partners (Thomas Le Diouron Civ 99) in collaboration with Ponts Alumni at Station F, will show you how to prospect without thinking and without risk, how to identify, scrape, enrich and contact prospects in a qualitative and automated way, and which are the most efficient workflows in B2B and B2C, thanks to "Growth hacking ".

This workshop will be led by Clément Lemaire, Growth Hacker, Charrette Club.

April 21, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Station F (junior stage), or online

Exceptionally, it will be possible to have 20 participants in person
atthis conference.

Registration is now open!

To register for the remote conference on the Station F website: click HERE

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Thursday 21 April 2022
    11:30 - 12:30 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Station F (Junior Stage)
    5 parvis Alan Turing
    75013 PARIS
    • Free contributors

    • 15 € Non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed

    Station F (Junior Stage)

    5 parvis Alan Turing
    75013 PARIS

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Thursday 21 April 2022
    11:30 - 12:30 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Station F (Junior Stage)
    5 parvis Alan Turing
    75013 PARIS
    • Free contributors

    • 15 € Non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed
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