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Webinar Fitness Mental

How to develop the 3 fundamental mental muscles needed to succeed, and thrive, in difficult times.

What's your biggest challenge right now? How do you feel about this challenge?

Mental Fitness enables you to respond to life's challenges with positive rather than negative emotions.

You've certainly taken part in personal development training courses, workshops and webinars. What do you still have to learn?
Unfortunately, the average retention rate after 6 months is around 10%. We quickly fall back into our old ways. Unconsciously, we sabotage our performance, our well-being and our relationships. This sabotage is accompanied by negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger, impatience, contempt, shame, guilt and so on.

To make lasting changes to our behavior, and access positive emotions during challenges, we need :

  • 20% knowledge,
  • 80% mental "muscles", the development of the neural connections at the origin of the desired behaviors.

I suggestyou discover how to develop the 3 fundamental mental muscles to succeed, and thrive, in difficult times.

With us:

  • Identify your saboteurs,
  • discover their influence on your performance, well-being and relationships,
  • reduce this influence,
  • learn simple exercises to strengthen your brain.

I encourage you to discover your saboteurs in just 5 minutes with this test: https: //

Co-hosted by UniAgros, Ponts Alumni and Intermines

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Thursday 17 February 2022
    12:30 - 13:45 (GMT +2)
    Registration deadline : 15th February
    Online event
    • 10 € Contributor

    • 20 € Non-contributor and external

    • Free Contributing student

    Registration closed
    Waksman Julien

    Julien Waksman (PG96) has 18 years' experience with Nestlé in management positions in France and Switzerland. He has 10 years' experience of coaching, both in-house and as a freelancer.

    After a mountain accident in 2018, he lost the use of one arm and has severe pain. Certified as a Mental Fitness Coach, he was able to mentally overcome this situation thanks to his method.

    Website: https: //

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Thursday 17 February 2022
    12:30 - 13:45 (GMT +2)
    Registration deadline : 15th February
    Online event
    • 10 € Contributor

    • 20 € Non-contributor and external

    • Free Contributing student

    Registration closed
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