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Webinar : Make the difference with a short list!

Whether recruiting externally or moving internally within the Group, the interview process is always the same.
At the end of the recruitment process, what are the decisive factors in the choice of a candidate?

The aim of this workshop is to highlight the similarities between the job search and the sales process.
To land a job, you need to know how to sell yourself, and how to stand out from the crowd.
To do this, you need toknow the objective and subjective factors that will determine recruiters' choice of candidate.

Workshop content :

Preparing for failure... for greater success
- Comparing the viewpoints of professional and operational recruitersrationnels
- Selection criteria when recruiting candidates
- Golden rules for an effective interview
- Simulation : Telling a professional success story in an interview

Co-hosted by UniAgros, Ponts Alumni, Intermines and EmLyon

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Thursday 17 March 2022
    12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
    Registration deadline : 16th March
    Online event
    • 10 € Contributor

    • 20 € Non-contributor and external

    Registration closed
    Lepinay Anne

    Associate Director of Enjeux Dirigeants, Anne Lépinay is both a former Purchasing Manager and an Outplacement Consultant.

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Thursday 17 March 2022
    12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
    Registration deadline : 16th March
    Online event
    • 10 € Contributor

    • 20 € Non-contributor and external

    Registration closed
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