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Conference with Bernard Blez: Ecological Transition: what can we expect from innovation and how can we finance it?

Organised by "Financial"

The Finance, Energy and Ecological Transition business groups

are delighted to welcome

December 13, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Bernard Blez
President of Passion for Energy
former head of research at ENGIE

For 10 years, from 2009 to the end of 2018, Bernard Blez was head of research at ENGIE. In this capacity, he was an active promoter of the development of numerous innovative solutions for the Energy Transition, such as hydrogen, renewable energies, energy efficiency and carbon capture.efficiency, CO2 capture... and thus gained first-hand experience of the difficulties of financing and deploying innovation for the Energy Transition by private companies.
Bernard Blez then founded Passion for Energy, where he works as a consultant and teacher on solutions for the Energy Transition and renewable energies.

Bernard Blez is an alumnus of the Ecole Polytechnique and an engineer from the Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité.

At this conference, we' ll be tackling topics such as the following:

- The Energy Transition aimed at global carbon neutrality (between 2050, as per the commitments of certain countries, including France, and 2060, for China...) will require several ingredients. The first is the ability to transform existing technological innovations that reduce our dependence on carbon into mass-market technology: this requires implementation capacity as much as financing. The second is the ability to continue developing new innovations.

- Bernard Blez will talk about his experience in research and innovation at ENGIE: hopes, difficulties, mobilizing the necessary budgets and funding...

- He will give his vision of the areas in which "we can count on" significant innovations in the years to come, which will be necessary to meet the objectives of reducing greenhouse gases and eventually becoming carbon neutral.

- Finally, he will address the key issue of financing this energy transition.

The conference will take place from 6.30pm to 8pm at the Maison des Ponts, and will be followed by a cocktail reception for in-person participants.

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Monday 13 December 2021
    18:30 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42, rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 15 € Associate school members and alumni (face-to-face)

    • 25 € Non-contributors and outsiders (face-to-face)

    • Free Associate school members and alumni (by videoconference)

    • 5 € Non-contributors and outsiders (by videoconference)

    Registration closed

    Bridge House

    42, rue Boissière
    75116 Paris

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Monday 13 December 2021
    18:30 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42, rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 15 € Associate school members and alumni (face-to-face)

    • 25 € Non-contributors and outsiders (face-to-face)

    • Free Associate school members and alumni (by videoconference)

    • 5 € Non-contributors and outsiders (by videoconference)

    Registration closed
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