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Imposter syndrome - are gifted adults particularly affected?

Organised by "Sciences ParisTech au Féminin"

Do you often attribute your success to luck? Do you feel you never measure up? Do you feel you haven't earned that promotion? That your abilities are overestimated?

This conference is designed to raise your awareness of impostor syndrome, providing insights from the world of psychology and reviewing the risk factors.

Arielle Adda, a clinical psychologist for over forty years, has taken a particular interest in the difficulties faced by gifted children. With Thierry Brunel, she wrote the book "Adultes sensibles et doués, trouver sa place au travail et s'épanouir" (Odile Jacob). She will share her professional insight into impostor syndrome and discuss the reasons why some adults are particularly vulnerable to this syndrome, at any stage of their lives.

The conference will be divided into three parts:
- Arielle Adda will outline the forms this syndrome can take, and its impact on the professional and personal lives of adults.
- After the conference, you'll be able to ask any questions you may have.
- Finally, for those attending the event in person, a cocktail reception will bring the evening to a close, to continue the discussions.

We hope to see many of you there, in person or virtually, and we'll let you know how to explore this theme further if you feel concerned by it after this evening.

A health pass will be required for classroom participation.

In person, the reception will start at 6:30 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. start. We won't be able to open the door after 7:00 p.m., so we're counting on your punctuality.
The zoom link will be sent to registrants before the evening.


Arielle Adda has been a clinical psychologist for over 40 years, having worked in social health clinics, specialized institutes and recruitment agencies. Arielle Adda has worked with both children and adults. Since 1985, Arielle Adda has been particularly interested in the specific problems posed by gifted children and adults, and devotes the majority of my time to them. She lectures on the subject and takes part in numerous conferences, both in France and abroad. She has written several books on gifted children: "Le livre de l'enfant doué", published by Solar and, with Hélène Catroux, "l'enfant doué, l'intelligence réconciliée", published by Odile Jacob. More recently, she has written about gifted adults: with Thierry Brunel the book "Adultes sensibles et doués, trouver sa place au travail et s'épanouir" (éditions Odile Jacob 2015), then in 2020 "Faire le bon choix amoureux : Les adultes doués et la quête amoureuse" (éditions Odile Jacob).

Sciences ParisTech Au Féminin SPTF network

Led by a group of alumnae from Polytechnique, Mines, Ponts, Telecom, Arts et Métiers, ENSAE, Chimie Paris, Sup Optique, ESPCI and ENSTA, Sciences ParisTech au Féminin aims to create a friendly and supportive network to support women graduates of our schools in their career development, and to share their professional create a friendly and supportive network, to support women graduates of our schools in their career development and to share the professional experiences of experienced women. We also aim to attract young girls to the sciences.

We want to strengthen our team of active members (our office). The intention is to offer more events (awareness-raising, conferences, coaching, training, speed networking) to give you the keys to pave your way in the professional world, strengthen your leadership and overcome any obstacles that may arise.

Interested in joining us? Please contact our President Laurence Jacques or join us on Linkedin

  • See replay
    For logged-in members only
  • Monday 6 December 2021
    18:30 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 15 € On-site (with cocktail reception): students and members of partner associations

    • 25 € Presence (with cocktail): non-contributors and outsiders

    • Free Online on ZOOM: students and members of partner associations

    • 10 € Online on ZOOM: non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed

    Bridge House

    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris

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  • See replay
    For logged-in members only
  • Monday 6 December 2021
    18:30 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 Rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 15 € On-site (with cocktail reception): students and members of partner associations

    • 25 € Presence (with cocktail): non-contributors and outsiders

    • Free Online on ZOOM: students and members of partner associations

    • 10 € Online on ZOOM: non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed
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