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Ponts industrie conference: "Hyperpowered companies, giants and titans, with François Lévêque".

Organised by "Industry Group (French)"

Over the past few decades, giants with colossal sales and capitalizations have spun their webs all over the world: Google, Ikea, Toyota, Tesla, Huawei, Airbus... They have spread up and down the value chain, ignoring borders, thanks to globalization, communication technologies and the take-off of many formerly "emerging" countries. These groups include not only industrial companies, but also numerous digital platforms that control customer data and maintain a direct commercial relationship with them.

  • Are mega-companies a sustainable model in a post-cold-war world, characterized by a new Sino-American rivalry with Cold War overtones?
  • Have they sometimes become more powerful than certain States?
  • How many industrial companies are among them? Aren't they the most vulnerable to the indefinite extension of value chains?
  • Why has Europe produced relatively fewer titans since 2000 than America and Asia? Is the EU's innovation and reindustrialization plan bearing fruit?
  • What are the key sectors for industrial innovation in Europe over the next 50 years? Automotive and transport, energy transition, biotechnologies, semiconductors, artificial intelligence...?
  • In which fields does Europe have the best chance of shining?

François Lévêque
, Professor of Industrial Economics at the Ecole des Mines and author of the book "Les entreprises hyperpuissantes : géants et titans, la fin du modèle global ?"published last April, will give us his perspectives on these issues. A competition specialist, he is the author of numerous economic studies on subjects as varied as online music, marriage, tires and zippers.

He is the founder of the consulting firm Microeconomix and a senior consultant at Deloitte.

His personal websites are

The conference will take place on October 13 from 7pm to 8pm at the Maison des Ponts, and will be followed by a cocktail reception.

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Wednesday 13 October 2021
    19:00 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 15 € for contributors (face-to-face)

    • 25 € for non-contributors and outsiders (face-to-face)

    • Free for contributors (by videoconference)

    • 5 € for non-contributors (by videoconference)

    Registration closed

    Bridge House

    42 rue Boissière
    75116 Paris

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Wednesday 13 October 2021
    19:00 (GMT +2)
    Event organised in person and online
    Bridge House
    42 rue Boissière
    75116 Paris
    • 15 € for contributors (face-to-face)

    • 25 € for non-contributors and outsiders (face-to-face)

    • Free for contributors (by videoconference)

    • 5 € for non-contributors (by videoconference)

    Registration closed
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