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Promos 84 and 85 dinner

Dear friends,

We are renewing this year's prom dinner, which will bring together the 1984-85L and 1985-86L vintages on :

Friday, October 1, 2021 from 5:30pm

at Maison des Ponts
42 rue Boissière
75116 Paris

The registration fee is €55 per person (aperitif + buffet dinner).

All alumni of classes 84 and 85 are invited.
It will be difficult to welcome spouses (unless they are alumni, of course).

Don't hesitate to save the date, and make your payment online as soon as possible (if you are unable to attend, you will be reimbursed).

Looking forward to seeing you!

The vintage delegates,

Antoine David
Patrick Klein
Antoine Perrin

Friday 1 October 2021
17:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 26th September
Bridge House
42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris
  • 55 €

Registration closed

Bridge House

42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris

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Friday 1 October 2021
17:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 26th September
Bridge House
42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris
  • 55 €

Registration closed
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