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Nuclear energy, the real risk

Organised by "Energy"

Conference organized by XMP Consult, in partnership with Groupe Énergie

The planet's population will continue to grow and its standard of living to improve, leading to an increase in global energy consumption of around 50% by 2050.

Nuclear energy, combined with hydro, wind and solar power, is the only solution available to meet these energy needs, reducing the need for fossil fuels and thus limiting CO2 emissions.

But, like all human activity, the nuclear industry involves risks. However, these risks are manageable, and much better controlled than in many other industries.

The use of nuclear energy should therefore appear unavoidable to governments, particularly European and French, who have placed carbon neutrality at the heart of their strategies. This choice of nuclear energy - which is recommended by both the IPCC and the International Energy Agency - must be accompanied by impeccable governance, a fundamental prerequisite for public support for its long-term use.

Ultimately, the real risk for the decades to come would be not to take advantage of the proven performance of nuclear power, a totally carbon-free energy.nergy that is totally carbon-free, economically affordable and environmentally acceptable, and continue to use costly and polluting energy systems?

It is to this strategic reflection that this conference aims to contribute.

Wednesday 30 June 2021
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
Bridge House
42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris
Dominique Louis

An engineer by training (ENSEM), Dominique Louis began his career with ATEM, a company specializing in industrial engineering. In 1994, he founded Assystem, an international engineering and innovation consulting group, and became its CEO. Dominique Louis trained as an engineer (ENSEM) and began his career with ATEM, a company specializing in industrial engineering. In 1994, he founded Assystem, an international engineering and innovation consultancy group, and became its Chairman and CEO.

Ricaud Jean-Louis

A graduate of ENS and the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Jean-Louis Ricaud has extensive experience of the industrial world. He has held a number of important positions, notably as General Manager of the Cogema group's recycling and engineering activities, then at Renault and Alstom Transport.


Bridge House

42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris

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Wednesday 30 June 2021
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
Bridge House
42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris
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