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Meet an ETI: Serge Ferrari

Organised by "Environment"

Sustainable development issues

As part of a new "Rencontre ETI" cycle

XMP-Consult and Ponts Transition Ecologique

welcome Serge Ferrari.

This family-owned group, which is also listed on the stock exchange, is a world leader in innovative composite fabrics for lightweight architectural and outdoor applications.

Key figures:

  • 300 M€ sales
  • 1,000 employees
  • 8 production sites (1 in France, 2 in Switzerland, 1 in Italy, 4 in Germany)
  • 3 research centers
  • 80 countries served

Its main competitive advantage lies in the use of proprietary technologies and know-how that set it apart.

Serge Ferrari is at the forefront of sustainable development. In fact, this is the theme on which Romain Ferrari, Managing Director in charge of Corporate Social Responsibility, will be speaking.

We have chosen a presentation based on the following outline:

  • SD stakes: the multi-impact approach to the metabolism of economic activities
  • Serge Ferrari illustrates :
    • multi-loop sustainability strategies: lighten, reuse, recycle
    • focus on the Smart Factory's innovative approach to recycling
  • Desirable changes to economic rules. Overview:
    • Taking externalities into account
    • Tools: Circular VAT, Universal Excise Duty, Public Purchasing at life-cycle cost.

Register on the XMP-Consult website
(PAF: Promo code for "P2021" contributors, €10 for non-contributors and external participants)

Tuesday 2 March 2021
18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Online event
Romain Ferrari
CSR Director of Serge Ferrari and CEO of Polyloop
Serge Ferrari

Romain Ferrari: Born in Lyon in 1960, Romain graduated as an Officer in the French Merchant Navy. in the French Navy in 1984-85 on a mission to Lebanon on the aircraft carrier Clemenceau, he then spent five years in engineering with a Technip subsidiary before setting up his own business.

Currently CSR Director for Serge Ferrari and CEO of Polyloop.

Founding Chairman of Fondation 2019 under the aegis of the Fondation de France, a funding structure for research into the economic transcription of environmental and social aspects.

Its aim: to understand why current economic rules stand in the way of the ecological transition, and to propose instruments for correcting these shortcomings.

Why 2019? "It's the fiftieth anniversary of man's first step on the moon. It's high time we brought him down to earth and stopped being satisfied with an off-sol economy! "

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Tuesday 2 March 2021
18:00 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Online event
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