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- Report : European Champions Alliance - Official launch - Unleashing the hidden power of European technology

Organised by "Telecoms & IT Group (French)"

Europe, Digital

Conference postponed to a later date

Europe is back!

After years of unchallenged domination by digital technology made in the USA - or even China - is it time to reverse the trend?
The European Commission has not hesitated to sanction anti-competitive practices by GAFAM. France and others have put forward the idea of taxing the digital giants. Privacy initiatives are extending to data protection, with the European RGPD becoming a model.
But we can do much better: why shouldn't Europe, where the microcomputer and the first protocols for networking digital equipment were invented, be home to a new generation of digital industrial champions?
The European Champions Alliance has set itself precisely this objective.

A French scale-up wanting to set up in Germany - or a German scale-up wanting to set up in France - needs help with legal, marketing and communication issues. It needs commercial relays. They need to be recommended, visible and supported. The ECA is in the process of creating this indispensable support network.

We'll be taking stock on March 18 at the BPIFrance Hub. What's the current status of European digital scale-ups? What are the criteria for building this network of support? How can public and private investors help the most promising companies to grow?

If you're an entrepreneur, an investor, a prime contractor... if you have experience of helping companies grow... if you believe in the European dimension: we look forward to seeing you on March 18.
The European Champions Alliance brings together visionary professionals who believe in the power of European technology, and who want to build European champions through collaborative innovation. Come and meet like-minded professionals and partners eager to work together to leverage Europe's technological leadership.

Program :
5.45pm: Welcome
6:00 pm: Introduction with the ECA pitch and World Café ground rules

6:10 PM: Six World Cafés in parallel:

  • European technological cooperation → How can we encourage and leverage cooperation between European countries, and accelerate the emergence of genuine European champions?
  • How can we finance European technologies (venture capital, impact investments, business angels, venture capital firms)? → How can we shape financing mechanisms in Europe to develop and retain European champions in Europe?
  • The role of companies in setting up start-ups across Europe? → What criteria would reassure companies to buy European technologies? How can we better inform European start-ups and expansion companies about current tenders and projects?
  • How can we guarantee data sovereignty and security?→ What are the key cyber security policy issues and transnational governance standards that help improve ethics and cyber resilience to protect data integrity and autonomy in Europe?
  • How to ensure a quality, Europe-wide workforce in Europe → With 700,000 skilled tech workers in short supply in Europe, what should be the focus of joint efforts to maintain the skilled workforce in Europe and increase supply.
  • How should Europe's technology ecosystem organize itself to support the Green New Deal?→What are the key sustainability issues we need to address in Europe over the next 5 to 15 years, and how can young European technology companies contribute to solving them?

19H00: Networking and refreshments
19H30: Restitutions of the World Cafés by the hosts based on the content discussed
8:00 pm: PANEL: How to create a truly large-scale ecosystem in Europe - organized by BPI France & ECA
20H30: Launch of the APIA report: "Early stage governance: a lever for the development of start-ups, scaleups and SMEs" & CEC closing remarks
8:35pm: Cocktails & Networking

Grégoire Kopp Chief of Staff at OVH & Special Advisor to Octave Klaba (Paris)
Francois Lavaste Partner at ACE Management (Paris)
Nicolas Bellissard - Business Development, Strategic Marketing, FinTech & Partnerships at ING France (Paris, Amsterdam)
Dr. Philipp Kreibohm Co-Founder Home24 (Berlin)
Luc Bretones CEO and Founder at Purpose for Good | The NextGen Enterprise Summit
Laetitia Bochud - Virtual Switzerland
Daniele Castle, Senior Director, Education & Talent at digitalswitzerland
Sara Aiello - Head of Innovation Management at weXelerate
Mael M'Baye, International Program Manager at Bpifrance
Pierre Byramjee, VP Sales Cybelangel
Gonzague Dejouany, Partner Demeter Investment Management
Vincent Bryant, CEO Deepki
Arno Pons, Director of the Digital New Deal Foundation

Wednesday 18 March 2020
17:45 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
BPIfrance Hub
8 Boulevard Haussmann
75009 Paris

BPIfrance Hub

8 Boulevard Haussmann
75009 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Metro Richelieu Drouot lines 8 and 9, Le Pelletier 7, Quatre-septembre 3

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Wednesday 18 March 2020
17:45 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
BPIfrance Hub
8 Boulevard Haussmann
75009 Paris
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