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Restitution of the Franco-German public consultation "European Digital Champions?

Organised by "Telecoms & IT Group (French)"

Restitution de la grande consultation publique franco-allemande "Champions européens du numérique?", organized by the G9+ Institute with Roland Berger, CroissancePlus, Bpifrance and

Details and registration (mandatory )


6:30pm: Keynote debriefing on the results of the major consultation "How can we create European digital champions?" by Axel Dauchez, CEO of and Luc Bretones, President of theG9+ Institute.

7:00 pm: Pitches of selected ideas from the consultation

7:20pm: First corporate round table

  • André Loesekrug-Pietri of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (J.E.D.I.), round-table moderator
  • Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, German Ambassador to France
  • French Ambassador to Germany
  • Anne Bioulac, Co-Managing Partner Roland Berger
  • Nicolas D'Hueppe, Vice-Chairman of CroissancePlus
  • Paul-François Fournier, SEVP Innovation, Bpifrance
  • Patrick Cocquet, Managing Director, Cap Digital

7.50pm: Second round table on growth companies

  • Andrea Vaugan, Managing Partner, Mutual Benefits and Cluny Forum, round table moderator
  • Emmanuele Levi, Investor and Board Member, France Digitale
  • Andreas Koenig, CEO of ProGlove
  • Alix Poulet, CEO of Leetchi
  • Claudia Helming, Managing Director, DaWanda
  • Eric La Bonnardière, CEO of Evaneos

8:30 pm: Conclusions by the French and German Ministers and announcement of the ideas selected by the jury of partners and the Rencontre participants' "coup de coeur


Monday 11 February 2019
18:15 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Hôtel des Arts & Métiers
9bis avenue d'Iéna 75016 Paris
75016 Paris

Hôtel des Arts & Métiers

9bis avenue d'Iéna 75016 Paris
75016 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Metro lines 9 Iéna, 6 Boissière

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Monday 11 February 2019
18:15 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Hôtel des Arts & Métiers
9bis avenue d'Iéna 75016 Paris
75016 Paris
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