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Conference: Smart Cities: What Business Models? Financing City Transformation

Organised by "Telecoms & IT Group (French)"

Conference co-organized by the professional clubs Mines Aménagement et Construction, X-Ponts Pierre and Institut G9+. The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception.

Smart City innovations hold great promise for businesses. Digital technology is seen as a means of designing cities better, operating them more efficiently and with greater respect for the environment, making life easier for residents and involving them more closely in their management.

However, Smart City innovations are still the preserve of a handful of pioneering cities, and are far from the rule.

The aim of this conference is to take stock of Smart City innovations and identify the major trends. Based on this feedback, we will attempt to identify the key factors in the development of the Smart City concept: what are the expectations of residents and their elected representatives? How mature are the innovations? How can they be financed? What are the winning strategies? What are the opportunities for companies?

Contrary to wishful thinking and utopian dreams, the Smart City will only be able to develop and make our cities sustainable and resilient if we adopt business models that are profitable for local authorities, businesses and residents alike.


Keynote Diversity of Smart City visions and tools
Carlo Ratti, Director of the SENSEable City Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Round-table 1 : State of play?What will the Smart City look like in 5 years' time ?

  • François Goulette, City of Antony, Councillor for Economic Development Projects
  • Julie de Pimodan, Fluicity, Co-founder and CEO
  • Léthicia Rancurel, TUBÀ (Tube à expérimentations urbaines à Lyon), Director
  • Isabelle Scuiller, Bordeaux Métro Pulse, Director

Moderated by Christophe Barge, La ville intelligente pour les nuls, co-author

Keynote With what benefits for stakeholders?
Gabrielle Gauthey, Caisse des Dépôts & Consignations (CDC), Director of Investments and Local Development

Round-table 2 : What business models for Smart Cities?

  • Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty, Ibicity, urban economics consultant (introduction)
  • Emmanuel François, Smart Building Alliance for Smart Cities: SBA, Chairman
  • Norbert Friant, Rennes Métropole, Digital Service Manager
  • Jean-François Penciolelli, GFI Informatique, Public Sector, Executive Vice President

Moderated by Philippe Baudouin, Idate

Original illustration by Tiphaine Oillo

Partner and sponsor of this event

Receipt issued on request

Monday 20 November 2017
18:30 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 19th November
Hôtel des Arts et Métiers
9 bis, avenue d'Iéna
75016 Paris
  • 40 € Standard rate

  • 20 € Rate for jobseekers

  • 10 € Student rate

Registration closed
Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty
Christophe Barge
La ville intelligente pour les nuls, co-auteur
Philippe Baudouin
Julie de Pimodan
Co-founder and CEO
Emmanuel François
Smart Building Alliance for Smart Cities: SBA
Norbert Friant
Digital Service Manager
Rennes Métropole
Gabrielle Gauthey
Investment and Local Development Director
Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations (CDC)
François Goulette
Councillor for Economic Development Projects
Ville d’Antony
Jean-François Penciolelli
Public Sector, Executive Vice President
GFI Informatique
Léthicia Rancurel
TUBÀ (Tube à expérimentations urbaines à Lyon)
Carlo Ratti
Director of the SENSEable City Lab
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Isabelle Scuiller
Bordeaux Métro Pulse

Hôtel des Arts et Métiers

9 bis, avenue d'Iéna
75016 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Iéna metro station

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Monday 20 November 2017
18:30 - 21:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 19th November
Hôtel des Arts et Métiers
9 bis, avenue d'Iéna
75016 Paris
  • 40 € Standard rate

  • 20 € Rate for jobseekers

  • 10 € Student rate

Registration closed
  • 305 registrants
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