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30th anniversary of Les Ponts class of 1984

Dear friends of the class of 84,

This year will see a milestone anniversary: the 30th anniversary of your class.

On the initiative of Antoine DAVID, Louis-Marie PONS and Roland PLAZEN, we'd like to invite you to celebrate this anniversary on Friday, May 23, 2014 in Paris with:

  • a Potluck at 5:30pm at the Maison des Ponts (Hall Perronet - 15 rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi, 75011 PARIS, République district)
  • Dinner at 8:00 pm in a restaurant just a stone's throw from the Canal St Martin:

L'Hôtel du Nord
102 Quai de Jemmapes
75010 Paris, France

To help us organize this event, please confirm your interest as soon as possible
by e-mail to:

A financial participation of 50 € per person is requested. You can now pay online on the association's website.

Download the registration form

Friday 23 May 2014
17:30 (GMT +2)
Maison des Ponts (Hall Perronet)
15, rue de la Fontaine au Roi
75011 PARIS
  • 50 € Graduate members
    Non-member graduates

Registration closed

Maison des Ponts (Hall Perronet)

15, rue de la Fontaine au Roi
75011 PARIS

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Friday 23 May 2014
17:30 (GMT +2)
Maison des Ponts (Hall Perronet)
15, rue de la Fontaine au Roi
75011 PARIS
  • 50 € Graduate members
    Non-member graduates

Registration closed
  • 46 registrants
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