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Alumni careers honored at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie

02 December 2024 News
Viewed 549 times

Why are France's top engineering schools so sorely lacking in young women, when the professional world needs their talents? Collectively, we need to step up our efforts to make the successes of women engineers even more visible, and in particular to promote the diversity of their professions.

The exhibition"UN CLICHÉ CONTRE DES CLICHÉS: INGÉNIEURES, UN MÉTIER AU FÉMININ PLURIEL" presents the career paths of 17 women graduates of the École nationale des ponts et chaussées, with the hope and aim of encouraging younger girls to take up scientific training and join engineering schools, by discovering the diverse and exciting careers to which these schools can lead.

► The exhibition can be seen at La Cité des Métiers (on the -1 level of La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie) on the occasion of Industry Week, which runs from November 26 to 29, 2024 at La Cité des Sciences. It will remain in place until mid-February 2025. Access to the Cité des Métiers is free.

Portrayed by photographer @François Le Guen, they all enthusiastically agreed to take part in this project and tell their stories, their achievements and their joy at working in a profession they love, each with their own particularities. They are all keen to encourage young girls to project themselves into a career as an engineer, marked by a variety of specialties and fields yet to be discovered. In addition to the photo, you can find out more about their career paths by listening to their audio messages and reading their testimonials collected by Lucile Heuzé.

Discover the portraits and audio testimonials of these École graduates

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