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29 August 2024
Jean-Pierre Pronost (1968 CIV)

Deaths - Death of Jean-Pierre Pronost (CIV 68)

We were deeply saddened to learn of the sudden death of Jean-Pierre Pronost on August 3. His funeral took place in Paris on August 9.

The many expressions of sympathy we received on the news of his death all underline his commitment, humility and kindness, which left their mark on us all. Jean-Pierre was not only a great engineer, but above all a good man, always ready to help and loyal to our association. His exemplary and generous behavior during the creation of Ponts Formation Edition, when he was President of the Ponts Alumni Association, was decisive for the success of this initiative. It is thanks to his dedication and community spirit that our association has flourished, and his legacy will continue to guide us.

The President of Ponts Alumni, the Honorary Presidents, the members of the Committee and the Ponts Alumni team send their most sincere condolences to his wife, children and their families.

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