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Sciences ParisTech au Féminin

Animateurs for the group Sciences ParisTech au Féminin

Gibet Camos Daurella (2007 CIV) - Delegate

Véronique Seignol (1986 CIV) - Delegate

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You're wondering how to manage your professional life as a woman! You want to meet other women engineers! Join Sciences ParisTech au Féminin!

Led by a group of alumnae from Polytechnique, Les Mines, Les Ponts, Telecom, Arts et Métiers, ENSAE and ENSTA, its aims are to create a friendly network, to help women graduates of our schools move forward in their professional lives, to promote the experience of women engineers, and to encourage women to join the women graduates of our schools to progress in their professional lives, promote women's professional experiences and seek to attract young girls to the sciences.

Find the group dedicated to Sciences ParisTech au Féminin on LinkedIn

Come and react to news about women engineers, gender equality in professional life, careers for women scientists...

You'll also find information on upcoming events organized by the Sciences ParisTech au Féminin group and its partners, as well as information on interesting events open to all.

Membership of the group is open to all graduates, PhDs and Master's degree holders from one of ParisTech's engineering schools, as well as from the Nancy and Saint-Etienne Ecole des Mines.


What do we do?

Conferences on professional topics presented by women, such as "Women engineers and entrepreneurs", "World tour of renewable energies".convivial exchanges on topics on the fringe of professional and private life, such as "dual careers and parenthood", and organization of meetings between former our schools to present women's careers to students, working alongside other associations to encourage high-school and middle-school girls to study science and technology.And a wide range of activities to promote gender equality in business and government. Many of its activities take place in Paris, but it already has 3 branches in the Rhône-Alpes (Grenoble and Lyon) and PACA regions.


Mail contact: Sciences ParisTech au Féminin