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Rhône Alpes

Animateurs for the group Rhône Alpes

Benoît Kieffer (2012 CIV) - President

Marianne Gardel-Paccard (1984 CIV) - Honorary President

Michel Gibold (1973 CIV) - Secretary General

Jean-Claude Florence (1972 IPC) - Treasurer

Caroline Dupeuble (2012 CIV) - Delegate

Anatole Jeannot (2016 MAS) - Delegate

Philippe Yvon (1980 IPC) - Delegate

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We look forward to seeing you in person at our upcoming meetings and visits.



  • If you live in the Rhône Alpes region > don't forget to subscribe to this group to receive all our information.


  • As a Ponts Alumni member, you are automatically a member of IPRhA, the regional association of Ponts Alumni.


  • You benefit from a double range of services:


That of Ponts Alumni, with its events, professional groups, career service and national directory.

> All these services can now be accessed remotely, thanks to videoconferencing.


Our regional association IPRhA, which has three main objectives:

> To bring together alumni in the region and enable them to build up a real local network of former students of Les Ponts

(but also from other schools, thanks to jointly organized events)

> Enable our members, at our regional events, to find out more about the region's major projects and meet local decision-makers.

and meet local decision-makers

> Relay the national offer to the regions (careers, mentoring, major events in "collective" videoconferencing),

relocation of professional group events, etc.)



Composition of the IPRhA board (Ingénieurs Ponts Rhône-Alpes) :


Marianne GARDEL-PACCARD: Founding President, Events

Philippe YVON: Chairman

Isabelle TERRIER: Treasurer, Ecological Transition Group

Michel GIBOLD: Secretary, Website

Caroline CHAPUIS: Young Alumni

Anatole JEANNOT: Young Alumni

Jean Claude FLORENCE: Careers, Mentoring