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Ponts Entrepreneurs Group (French)

Organizers / Managers


The objectives pursued by XMP-ENTREPRENEUR are in line with the general policy to develop employment: to create jobs, let's create "employers"!

An essential objective: to provide those who have decided to become entrepreneurs and who are members of the association, with all the assistance they need to create, take over or develop their own business, in particular : helping people to avoid feeling or being alone during the process, which is a major obstacle for anyone wishing to set up, take over or manage a small or medium-sized business. by making available to all the results of the work carried out by each member (members and facilitators), particularly in the search for opportunities and the creation of a network of privileged relationships.

Our aim: to develop the entrepreneurial spirit among students and alumni of our schools. To help XMP members set up their own businesses, the XMP E Board of Directors has created a new sister association: XMP Business-Angels. It is open to all alumni of X and its application schools who, considering investing part of their savings in an unlisted company, wish to give preference to projects initiated by fellow students.

Detailed information is available on request from the XMP-ENTREPRENEUR office.


Members meet every month and a half. These meetings start with a talk, and then everyone presents their problems and wishes. Useful contacts are made, which can lead to associations or simply exchanges of ideas and advice. This is the association's "CLUB" activity.

External meetings: members can take part in meetings or debates regularly organized by similar associations from other Grandes Ecoles, and in particular by G2E, the federation of these associations.

There are also :
- Afternoon meetings to welcome (by appointment) all members (or anyone else interested);

- Workgroups: to build on the contacts made at meetings and the support provided by the facilitators.

- Accompaniment: a member can accompany a "candidate-entrepreneur" in the process of setting up or taking over a business, and during the first few years as a "company manager";

- Files: information, including a list of business opportunities to be taken over, addresses of specialists or colleagues from whom members can obtain the information and advice they need in the technical, legal, tax, financial, accounting and other fields.


XMP-ENTREPRENEUR uses the following tools to disseminate information between members:
- a website:;
- an e-mail service for new business opportunities and useful information on the life of the association;
- a monthly newsletter reporting on important events between two issues.


XMP BA Chairman: François Cherruau (X 61)
General Secretary: Claude Picot (EMP 58 )


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