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Animateur for the group Golf

Patrick Moreau (1974 CIV) - Delegate

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The Ponts et Chaussées GOLF section has been in existence since 2012.

The 2022 activity has been little pursued : many of our comrades have left us for different horizons.

Events for 2023 are currently being planned.

Our partnership with the Ecole des Mines and ISEP (Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris) continues.

Enjoy your golf and see you soon on the greens.


- to come


The tournament takes place on the designated courses above, on the dates indicated, with the months of May and August neutralized.

Independently of the TGE, friendly competitions are organized between Mines and Ponts, open to all. On March 25 (1pm), a first meeting will be organized on the Bussy-St-Georges pitch to get to know the new members - come one, come all! In addition, Ecole des Mines is organizing its cup of the year on the Ailette golf course from May 18 to 20, 2017, followed by an outing around the Vichy golf courses from September 28 to 30, 2017: Ecole des Ponts is taking part. These two competitions and periods are interspersed with cultural visits.


Contact: Patrick MOREAU on or


The team (2016)

Jean-Jacques Azuar, Roland Didier, Xavier Degoulange, Jacques Hazan, Frédéric Le Pottier; Antoine Lebard, Patrick Moreau, JP Pilcer, Vincent Porfirio, François Regimbeau, Carlos Salguero, Jacques Sarrasin, Thierry Seguin, Marc Spielrein.

New golfers are welcome to join the team.


No photo posted.