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Organizers / Managers


The group mainly organizes evening events in the following format:

  • a talk by one or two speakers
  • a question-and-answer session with all participants
  • a buffet during which speakers and alumni can meet, exchange ideas and expand their professional networks.

The group regularly organizes events in partnership with other groups at Les Ponts or elsewhere: IESF, X-mer, Centrale Energies, GP Energie des Arts & Métiers, Sciences ParisTech au féminin, etc.

The group is very open to opportunities for collaboration, and to contributions, even on a one-off basis (suggesting topics to be covered, putting you in touch with potential speakers, helping to organize events, etc.).



Below are the topics discussed since the group was created; the documents associated with the events (slides, photos, CR...) can be downloaded from this group's page, in the "Documents" tab above.

Events 2018

- Energy-climate outlook for France: presentation of the negaWatt scenario

Events 2015

- Round Table: Financing renewable energies: current situation and outlook

Events 2013:

- La transition énergétique pour les nuls, with Cédric Ringenbach (The Shift Project) and Daniel Belon (FNCCR)

2012 events:

- Renewable marine energies, in partnership with X-Mer

- Energy and sustainable development: the way forward, with Anne Lauvergeon, in partnership with Sciences Paristech au féminin

- Visit to the biomass heating plant of the Cergy-Pontoise heating network (Dalkia), with Jean-Philippe Buisson

- Local authorities and energy issues, with Arnaud Brunel (Sipperec) and Marie Moisan (CLER), in partnership with Centrale Energies

- Competitive technologies for sustainable development, with Jean Bergougnoux (CAS), in partnership with IESF (Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France), Inter Mines, Centrale Energies, Supélec Energie and the Groupe Professionnel Energie des Arts & Métiers.

Events 2011:

- Decarbonizing energy, with J-M Chevalier (economist, CGEMP - Paris Dauphine)

- Supporting and financing innovation, with Olivier Dupont (Demeter Partners), Pascal Rioual (Capenergies)

- Living without fossils, with Olivier Paul-Dubois-Taine (CAS), Christophe Marchand (EDF)

- Le tour du monde des énergies renouvelables, with Blandine Antoine and Elodie Renaud, in partnership with XMP au féminin

- Oil and unconventional hydrocarbons: myths and realities, with Yves Mathieu, in partnership with IESF


The group is very open to opportunities for collaboration, and to contributions even on a one-off basis (suggesting topics, putting you in touch with potential speakers, helping to organize events, etc.).

Julien Barreteau,


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1912 results
1912 results