Created in April 2013, on the initiative of Jean-François Deldon, the aim of this group is to encourage closer ties between former Ponts residing in Auvergne around various activities: meals, conferences, ...
A rewarding first event
The first meal for former Ponts employees in Auvergne took place in a restaurant near Clermont-Ferrand, in a very pleasant atmosphere. It was an opportunity for us to get to know each other better and to appreciate the richness of each person's career path.
First meal in October
The first meeting of the Ponts Alliances Auvergne group will take place on Wednesday, October 16. It will be a great opportunity to get together with former members of the School and to establish privileged contacts that will enable us to organize new events. Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.
Display map with group members
(AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberation of December 18, 2001)
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When the AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberated on December 18, 2001, and when the Unipef Committee deliberated on January 8, 2002, it was decided to prohibit any user from:
The AAENPC/Ponts Aumni and Unipef committees are responsible for the protection of the content of the databases appearing in this directory, in application of article L.341-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
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