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Webinar Workshop Women's leadership and para-verbal language

Organised by "Sciences ParisTech au Féminin"

Learn to set your voice and optimize your oral communication

In view of the success of our first two workshops, we are offering a third edition to enable those who were unable to take part in the first one to take a moment for themselves at this very special time .

Visio or face-to-face, speaking - whether at a conference or simply in a team meeting - is critical to leadership.

Sciences ParisTech au Féminin offers you an interactive webinar "Voix" workshop on Tuesday November 24 at 6.30pm, to help you speak with confidence and conviction. It will be led by Sandrine Simon de Bessac, founder of the Ecole des Orateurs, business lawyer and political scientist.

After an introduction by Sandrine Simon Bessac, participants will be able to discuss their main concerns about public speaking.

This will be followed by a practical session featuring various exercises (abdominal breathing, stress management through breath control, lip and jaw articulation, diction and use of tongue twisters, setting your speaking voice and finding your chest voice, etc.).e and finding your chest voice, mastering the diaphragm and voice resonance...) to train your voice for audibility, musicality, rhythm and confidence. All participants are invited to take part, and particular attention will be paid to blocking points raised during discussions.

A flat-rate fee of 25 euros for school members is required to validate your registration, as the workshop is limited to 15 participants. A link will be sent to you 24 hours before the event to enable you to connect by videoconference.


Led by a group of alumnae from Polytechnique, Mines, Ponts, Telecom, Arts et Métiers, ENSAE, Chimie Paris, ESPCI, Sup Optique and ENSTA, Sciences ParisTech au Féminin aims to create a friendly and friendly network of women and create a friendly and supportive network, to support women graduates of our schools in their career development, and to share the professional experiences of experienced women. We also aim to attract young girls to the sciences.

By organizing awareness-raising events, conferences, coaching, training and speed networking, we aim to give you the keys to pave your way in the professional world and overcome any obstacles that may arise.

Interested in joining us? Don't hesitate to contact our president Laurence Jacques : or join us on Linkedin :

Tuesday 24 November 2020
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +1)
Online event
Sandrine Simon de Bessac

A business lawyer and political scientist, Sandrine Simon de Bessac is also the founder of the Ecole des Orateurs, which has been training professionals, elected representatives and students in public speaking for over ten years.
She also teaches law, political science and ancient and contemporary rhetoric at Grandes Ecoles and universities, with forays into the corporate world to develop managerial potential and creativity through agile formats. She has created an innovative pedagogy that enables everyone to acquire the techniques needed to deploy their eloquence and power of conviction.
Deeply committed to feminism and equal opportunity, she works on leadership and the fight against social and gender stereotypes, in particular through the mastery of speech and words to build "the world after".
She is the author of two books on the subject.
She will share her advice and practical methodology to help you unleash your inner speaker.

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Tuesday 24 November 2020
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +1)
Online event
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