
GEF Webinar: Wealth inequality, a barrier to professional equality
Organised by "Sciences ParisTech au Féminin"
An hour of reflection with Céline Bessière and Sibylle Gollac,
sociologists and authors of Le genre du capital (La Découverte, 2020)
Inequalities between women's and men's careers and salaries are now well recognized and officially combated in the world of work. However, these inequalities are not only to be found in the professional sphere, but also in the private sphere. And while income inequalities are stagnating, wealth inequalities between the sexes have almost doubled in less than twenty years. In their book Le genre du capital (La Découverte, 2020), Céline Bessière and Sibylle Gollac analyze key moments in private life (inheritance, separation, to understand how men's economic power, despite new egalitarian norms, is built up within the family and continues to be exercised within the couple as well as at the head of companies.
Join us for a Webinar with Céline Bessière and Sibylle Gollac, on January 12, 2021 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.
Sibylle Gollac and Céline Bessière are sociologists interested in the role of economics and law in gender inequalities within the family. Co-authors of the book Le genre du capital (Découverte, 2020), they are both members of the Collectif Onze (author of Au tribunal des couples published by Odile Jacob in 2013, adapted in comics by Baptiste Virot in 2020 by Casterman) and of the Justines research group (a multi-disciplinary team made up of researchers, sociologists and sociologists).research group (a multidisciplinary team of sociologists, political scientists, jurists, economists and geographers interested in social inequalities in civil justice).
Sibylle Gollac works at the CNRS in the "Culture et sociétés urbaines" team at the Centre de recherches sociologiques et politiques in Paris. Her research focuses on social mobility and the role of heritage in the reproduction of inequalities, combining ethnographic and statistical approaches. She is currently working on inheritance and marital separations, and the way in which the law and its professionals deal with them.
Céline Bessière is Professor of Sociology at Paris-Dauphine University (Université PSL) and a member of the IRISSO laboratory. In 2016-2017, she was a member of the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Her other research work has focused on professional independence, family businesses, particularly in the agricultural sector (in particular, family transmissions of Cognac wineries).
The link to the webinar will be sent the day before to registrants on the GEF website (€10).
Please contact the GEF team to obtain the Student - Unemployed rate.
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