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Round table: Companies on the move, achieving positive transformations

Organised by "Sciences ParisTech au Féminin"

The club Sciences ParisTech au féminin is partnering Intermines Carrière for the Intermines Carrière / Wavestone Round Table, at which Sylvie Jéhanno, X-Mines, CEO of Dalkia, will be taking part.

How can we get companies moving in an environment dominated by uncertainty and environmental and social challenges? How can we achieve positive, mobilizing transformations?

Sylvie Jéhanno, graduate of X and Mines de Paris, CEO of Dalkia (EDF Group) and Philippe Silberzahn, associate professor at EMLYON Business School, author of six books on disruptive innovation and transformation, including: "Stratégie modèle mental", co-written with Béatrice Rousset, former head of executive training at the AXA Group.

How can the representations of reality produced by the organization and its employees block the necessary changes? How can we bring about positive transformations that create value for all stakeholders?

Drawingon his research work ,Philippe Silberzahn will help us to understand the importance of the mental model, and propose approaches for updating dated representations and cracking the code of organizations to set them in motion.

Sylvie Jéhanno, the rare woman in France to head a company with sales in excess of 4 billion euros and over 16,000 employees, will talk to us about her experience .Over the past 2 years, she has committed Dalkia to an ambitious growth and transformation project, with the mission of making the fight against global warming both a reality on a regional scale and an internal driving force.

Xavier Metz, Partner Wavestone, will moderate the round table.

Discussions will continue over cocktails and a book-signing session for Philippe Silberzahn's books.

Registration on theIntermines website

Find the group dedicated to Sciences ParisTech au Féminin on LinkedIn

Monday 13 May 2019
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +1)
Hotel d'Iéna
9 bis Avenue d’Iéna
75016 Paris

Hotel d'Iéna

9 bis Avenue d’Iéna
75016 Paris

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Monday 13 May 2019
18:30 - 20:30 (GMT +1)
Hotel d'Iéna
9 bis Avenue d’Iéna
75016 Paris
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