
Succeed in your professional repositioning : sharing experience and advice
Organised by "Sciences ParisTech au Féminin"
Are you in mid-career or already have professional experience and feel called to make a change in your career?
This online meeting is designed to support you in this process of professional repositioning by sharing real-life experience, concrete tools and the opportunity to connect with peers to move forward in your search.
Laurence Jacques, EcoXtract General Manager at Minafin, will share the process she followed when, after holding several management positions at Lafarge, she wanted to change companies and reposition herself.
In particular, she will share on the following themes:
- The importance of clarifying your project
- How to prepare
- Activating networks
- Hunting in a pack
The evening will be divided into three parts. You will briefly have the opportunity to share your intention or project in pairs, then Laurence will share her experience and the tools and methodology she recommends. The meeting will end with a question-and-answer session.
For those of you who would like to be put in touch with others to move forward with this repositioning, you can complete this form in addition to registering for the evening.
Maximum number of participants: 100
Price: Free of charge
The zoom link will be sent to registrants before the evening.
The Sciences ParisTech Au Féminin SPTF network
Led by a group of alumnae from Polytechnique, Mines, Ponts, Telecom, Arts et Métiers, ENSAE, Chimie Paris, Sup Optique, ESPCI and ENSTA, Sciences ParisTech au Féminin aims to create a friendly and supportive network of alumnae.to create a friendly and supportive network, to support women graduates of our schools in their career development and to share the professional experiences of experienced women. We also aim to attract young girls to the sciences.
We want to strengthen our team of active members (our office). The intention is to offer more events (awareness-raising, conferences, coaching, training, speed networking) to give you the keys to pave your way in the professional world, strengthen your leadership and overcome any obstacles that may arise.
Interested in joining us? Please contact our President Laurence Jacques : laurence.jacques@m4x.org or join us on LinkedIn

Laurence Jacques is Managing Director of EcoXtract and Managing Director of Strategic Technologies at Minafin. She is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique (X88) and the Mines de Paris engineering school (90). She is also President of PEPPER (Plateforme public/privée de pré-validation des Perturbateurs Endocriniens), a member of the Supervisory Board of the Grand Port de Dunkerque and President of Sciences ParisTech Au Féminin.
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