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Ponts Développement International - Chinese New Year Dinner 2013

Organised by "International Bridges"

2013 is the Year of the Snake!


PONTS Développement International , HEC Développement International,

Centrale Paris and ParisTech Alumni

"Chinese New Year Dinner 2013, Year of the Snake

Thursday, February 28, 2013

at 8 p.m.

Chinatown Olympiades

44 avenue d'Ivry - 75013 PARIS

Subway: Porte d'Ivry

Following on from our January 17 networking evening with leading American universities at the Pullman Hotel (list of 180 participants here), and with Nicole BRICQ planning an international collaboration with ParisTech and ParisTech Alumni with China as the first test area on the occasion of the forthcoming trip by François HOLLANDE, PONTS Développement International is preparing the ground and co-organizing the 2013 Chinese New Year Dinner with HEC Développement International, Centrale Paris, ParisTech Alumni, CEIBS (European Commission/Chinese government agreement) and alumni from leading Chinese universities and schools: FUDAN (复旦大学), TSINGHUA (清华大学), BEIDA (北京大学), TONGJI (同济大学), etc. back at the end of February from their annual vacation in China.

All fellow PONTS, ParisTech Alumni and their guests are welcome to attend this event where the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées will be in the spotlight*! Whether you're interested in China, want to develop activities in Asia, or are simply curious about the country's impact on your activities in France, internationally or on your future career, come and make new contacts and build the first building blocks of your future network in this area and worldwide!

As Maison des Ponts is unable to accommodate the 200-plus participants expected for this exceptional dinner, we will be meeting at Chinatown Olympiades, a restaurant renowned for the quality of its banquets. renowned for the quality of its banquets, will welcome us for an exceptional evening, bringing together alumni from the most prestigious French and Chinese schools and universities. Musical entertainment and other surprises are in store... An anthology of Dim Sum, rotisseries, their famous Pekingese soup and many fried, sautéed and steamed dishes to celebrate this New Year together, at a price of 30€ including drinks.

Registration and payment (€30 all-inclusive) can be made directly by clicking HERE or from the original INVITATION.

No registration will be accepted without payment by credit card. Parking available at the foot of the restaurant for €5: please contact if necessary.

Ponts Développement International office

*) Indeed, let's not forget that:
- the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chassées, Europe's oldest engineering school, launched in 1747 under Louis XV (after the creation of the Corps des Ponts et Chaussées in 1716), uses a competitive selection system inspired by Imperial China: mandarin examinations, institutionalized in 605, but whose origins date back to the Han dynasty (206 BC. J.-C. to 220).
- It was Edmond Lisle, Professor at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and Director Emeritus at the CNRS, who initiated the relationship with Wu Qidi (吴启迪, now Vice-Minister of Education) in 1993, the founding act of the future student exchanges with China of what was to become ParisTech. Edmond was also the founder of the Association amicale Franco Chinoise de ParisTech (AFCP) and drew up its first statutes with Philippe Bergot, Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur and Director of the Fondation des Ponts.

Thursday 28 February 2013
20:00 - 22:30
Chinatown Olympiades
44 Avenue d’Ivry
75013 Paris

Chinatown Olympiades

44 Avenue d’Ivry
75013 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Porte d'Ivry

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Thursday 28 February 2013
20:00 - 22:30
Chinatown Olympiades
44 Avenue d’Ivry
75013 Paris
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