Business transformation: three entrepreneurs testify
Organised by "West"
The regional groups X Provence, X Bretagne, X Toulouse, X Bordelais, Chti' X and Ponts Ouest, invite you to an online meeting on March 23, 2021 at 6:00 pm on the theme of corporate transformation:we 'll hear from three fellow executives holding management positions in companies, Delta Dore, Eureden/d'Aucy, and ADM (Neovia).
A presentation byXMP Consult will focus on the current state of play, based on feedback from the 150 active members of their group.
Registration link: https://www.weezevent.com/transformation-des-entreprises
Will the pre-crisis transformation be the same as the post-crisis transformation? What are the levers for action? How is management coping? Are consultants necessary?
To answer these questions, and yours, three entrepreneurs will be on hand:
Pascal Portelli, Chairman of the Delta Dore Management Board Delta Dore is a French family-owned group founded in Brittany in 1970 and specializing in solutions for the connected home and building. https://www.deltadore.fr/ |
d'Aucy is the food branch of the Eureden Group, a new cooperative group bringing together 20,000 farmers and 9,000 employees around a common ambition: good food for all, with a constant concern to meet the expectations of consumers and society . https://www.eureden.com/ |
Matthieu Garnier, Vice President Animal Nutrition Operations,Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) ADM is a group specializing in animal nutrition. ADM supplies a complete range of ingredients for pet and livestock feed. https://www.adm.com |
Eric Coursin and Pierre-Yves Le Daëron, Chairman and Vice-Chairman ofXMP Consult, will share their observations with us, and lend their support to the evening.
XMP-Consult(https://www.xmp-consult.org/) federates former students of l'X, des Mines, des Ponts and the other grandes écoles of the G16, entrepreneurs in the intellectual service professions, with a view to enabling them to develop practices and offers of excellence: consulting and expertise, transition management, interim management, coaching and support, training... |
The evening is organized by Dominique de Robillard (Ponts 80) and Mikael Dautrey.
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