
And yes, it's been 20 years! Great anniversary party of the Millésime 02-03L (01-02L and 03-04L welcome !)
Dear friends,
20 wonderful years have passed since our graduation from Les Ponts, but the spirit that animated our class has not aged a bit.
Let's celebrate it together with joy and conviviality. 20 thousand things to say to each other over as many glasses.
Initiated by the 02-03L vintage, the evening will welcome as many of our 01-02L and 03-04L friends as possible.
Saturday 7th October 2023 from 8pm
Maison des Ponts
42 rue Boissière, 75116 Paris
See all events
from Saturday 7 October
to Sunday 8 October 2023
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 5th October
Maison desPonts
42, rue Boissière
70 € per person
Registration closed
Maison desPonts
42, rue Boissière75116 Paris

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