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Webinar Entrepreneurship for women: challenges and rewards

Organised by "Sciences ParisTech au Féminin"

Interactive Webinar

Female entrepreneurship: challenges and rewards

In France, 27% of companies are run by women. This percentage drops to 11% for commercial companies. Yet many women are considering the entrepreneurial path.

In order to demystify this career choice and answer the questions raised by the women in the network, Sciences ParisTech au Féminin invites you to hear the experiences ofthree female entrepreneurs.

The conference, in the form of an interactive webinar, will take place on December 1 at 6.30pm. Three women entrepreneurs will talk about their entrepreneurial experience and answer your questions.

Tuesday 1 December 2020
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Online event
Juge Carole

Ms. Carole Juge is Woman Entrepreneur of the Year (Usine nouvelle 2020). After creating MommyVille, a social network for future and young parents, in 2015, Carole confirmed her attachment to this universe and its community by founding JOONE two years later .Thanks to her efforts and determination, Joone has been ranked first in the 60 millions de consommateurs diaperranking since 2018 .The young start-up is also multi-faceted. With a PhD in American literature and an MBA from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, she is a seasoned university teacher, actress and theatre director, published novelist...

Nathalie Barbéris

Nathalie Barbérisholds a PhD in Economics from Télécoms Paris and a Master's degree from Dauphine. She began her career in Bouygues Telecom's Strategy Department, then held Marketing Director positions with cable operators in France and Belgium, before taking over as Deputy General Manager of mobile operator Transatel.She then turned her attention to the digital world, setting up, then taking an active part in Videofutur's switch to digital, and finally managing, she founded Marypop in 2019, the first bilingual baby-sitting platform. She teaches Strategy and Marketing at several business schools in Lyon.

Delphine Le Serre

Delphine Le Serreis one of the top 20 Women in Tech (Forbes 2019). She started out as an engineer in industry, then went on to become a university lecturer in marketing, a professor at HEC and a Web entrepreneur. Currently head of Mapple, she supports investment funds and major corporations in their digital transformation.

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Tuesday 1 December 2020
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Online event
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