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Conference: "What kind of financing for SERMs?

Organised by "Transportation Group (French)"

The next conference of the Transport trade group will be held in Strasbourg (alongside the EuroMobility trade fair) and in remote mode on the theme:

"What kind of financing for SERMs?" in terms of infra- and operational financing

with Julien BECCHERLE
Deputy Managing Director, Mobilités, Région Grand Est

The conference, moderated by Pierre Boy de la Tour and Laurent Fourtune, will be followed by a cocktail reception.

Tuesday 1 October 2024
18:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 1st October
Event organised in person and online
1 place Adrien Zeller
1 place Adrien Zeller
67000 Strasbourg
  • 15 € Members

  • 25 € Non-members and outsiders

  • Free Off-line: members
    Face-to-face: for student members

  • 5 € Distance learning: non-members and outsiders


1 place Adrien Zeller

1 place Adrien Zeller
67000 Strasbourg

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Tuesday 1 October 2024
18:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 1st October
Event organised in person and online
1 place Adrien Zeller
1 place Adrien Zeller
67000 Strasbourg
  • 15 € Members

  • 25 € Non-members and outsiders

  • Free Off-line: members
    Face-to-face: for student members

  • 5 € Distance learning: non-members and outsiders

  • Add to my calendar