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Search Inside Yourself online workshop : Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Organised by "Sciences ParisTech au Féminin"

This online workshop will explore the first fundamental elements of the SEARCH INSIDE YOURSELF (SIY) program, which has been implemented by numerous organizations to strengthen emotional intelligence, leadership and collaboration in the corporate world, based on mindfulness , neuroscience and active listening.

The program was created at Google by the brilliant engineer Chade MENG TAN, one of Google's first recruits and author of the book "Search Inside Y ourself".

Since its launch, the program has been offered in over 100 cities worldwide to tens of thousands of entrepreneurs and managers. Companies such as GEMALTO, SAP, GOOGLE, FORD, EXPEDIA GROUP, LINKEDIN, DEUTSCHE TELECOM and many others have brought the program to their employees.

A recent study of the program validated its many benefits.

89% of participants reported an improvement in their ability to reduce stress

91% reported greater clarity of mind

79% reported an increase in vitality

91% reported an improvement in their ability to remain calm

85% reported an increased ability to connect with others

The intention of this discovery workshop is to explore the key dimensions of emotional intelligence and its benefits for expanding one's skills and well-being, and to experience some highly effective practical tools for cultivating emotional intelligence.

The workshop will last 1h30 and will be co-facilitated by two SIY-certified teachers: Anne-Sophie Pastel Dubanton, a polytechnician and former company director, and Dat Phan Angevin, a highly experienced teacher who has trained over 3,000 people in the corporate world in emotional intelligence and mindfulness.

Maximum number of participants: 60
Price: free of charge

Thursday 4 February 2021
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Online event
Dat Phan Angevin

Dat Phan Angevin holds a BA in Communications from the University of Texas - Austin. He was a Buddhist monk with Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh for 7 years. He now gives training courses in France and Europe (Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom) and has created and deployed the first national corporate mindfulness program entitled "Restons Zen" (Let's Stay Zen), active in twenty cities and with over 3,000 employees and managers. He has also been sharing his practice in the fields of education and health since 2011. He is a trainer at the ESPRIT CLAIR institute and one of the founders of Les Cèdres Bleus, a place of well-being. He is the author of two books. He holds a B.A. in Communications from the University of Texas - Austin. He was a Buddhist monk with Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh for 7 years. He now gives training courses in France and Europe (Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom) and has created and deployed the first national corporate mindfulness program entitled "Restons Zen", active in twenty cities and with over 3,000 employees and managers. He has also been sharing his practice in the fields of education and health since 2011. He is a trainer at the ESPRIT CLAIR institute and one of the founders of Les Cèdres Bleus, a place of well-being. He is the author of two books.

Anne-Sophie Pastel Dubanton

Anne-Sophie Pastel Dubanton co-founded and managed Over the last decade, she has become involved in coaching individuals and facilitating groups around stress reduction, emotional intelligence and collective intelligence. Anne-Sophie is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique (X88) and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (93). She is a member of the new SPTF board. What motivates her is creating and facilitating spaces for individual and collective resourcing and transformation, to help participants connect more deeply to their vocation, deploy their talents and contribute to the betterment of society.

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Thursday 4 February 2021
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +1)
Online event
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