
Apéro de Promo - July 2021
Organised by "2006-07L"
1ere Retrouvaille
We recently announced our first event on July 8. You've already RSVP'd, you're about to, or you're not sure if you'll be able to make it - details below:
- Where: Café Lorette, 20 rue de Châteaudun (Paris 9, métro Notre-Dame de Lorette)
- When: July 08 from 6.30pm
- What:
- apéro de promo/millésime - reunion
- 7.30pm: Cuckoo via Teams " Click here to join the meeting
- Discuss the year's activities (including 15 years of promotion in 2022)
Confirm your presence at Carole.massari@gmail.com and thibaut.servant@colas.com
Kind regards
Carole, Alessandro and Thibaut
We told you about a first event on this 08th of July. You already said "YES", you gonna do it or you still don't know if you can make it, details are below:
- Where: Café Lorette, 20 rue de Châteaudun (Paris 9, métro Notre-Dame de Lorette)
- When: this 08th of July - start around 18h30
- What:
- Drinks - catch up
- 19h30: Hello on Teams " Click here to join the meeting ".
- Exchange on the vintage animation (incl. vintage's 15Y-birthday next year in 2022)
Please confirm: Carole.massari@gmail.com and thibaut.servant@colas.com
King Regards
Carole, Alessandro and Thibaut
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Saturday 17 July 2021
Café Lorette
20 rue de Châteaudun (Paris 9, métro Notre-Dame de Lorette)
Café Lorette
20 rue de Châteaudun (Paris 9, métro Notre-Dame de Lorette)75009 PARIS
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