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[Info-Réseau] Visite des imprimeries Ouest-France Le Marin

Organised by "West"

The Ponts Ouest and Ponts Maritime groups invite you to take part in the next event organized by X-Bretagne and X-Mer :

Visit the SIPA Ouest-France group

Rennes, May 14, 3pm 


On the initiative of Ouest-France Le Marin and the X Bretagne/X Mer associations, Sébastien Grosmaitre, Laetitia Greffier, Editors-in-Chief of the daily newspaper, and Vincent Jarnigon, Chairman of the Board of Infomer, and their teams, are doing us the honor of opening the doors of the SIPA group (Ouest-France Le Marin) on the afternoon of May 14, 2024. This visit will be an opportunity to discover the different facets of France's leading regional press group, which prints the most widely circulated daily newspaper in France today, and the benchmark periodical for the maritime economy sector.

Translated with (free version)


The tour program includes a 2:45pm meeting at the head office, 10 rue du Breil:

  • 3pm: Visit of the presses in operation, followed by a tour of the editorial office.
  • 15h45/16h: Presentation of the Sipa Ouest-France Group and discussions with the OF editorial team - Le Marin (conference room, ground floor) 
  • 17h : End of the day

Online registration required. Information from Jean Durand


As an option, participants are invited to an evening of diplomacy and foresight on the oceans, entitled “Quand l'océan s'éveillera” (When the ocean awakens), with Olivier Poivre d'Arvor, Ambassador of the Poles and Oceans, who is coming especially to meet us at ECAM Rennes on May 14 at 6:30pm: he will talk about his missions, convictions and questions, on the occasion of the release of his latest book “Deux étés par an” (further information and registration: ).

Tuesday 14 May 2024
14:45 - 17:00 (GMT +2)
10 Rue du Breil
35000 Rennes


10 Rue du Breil
35000 Rennes

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Tuesday 14 May 2024
14:45 - 17:00 (GMT +2)
10 Rue du Breil
35000 Rennes
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