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Retrouvailles Ponts Promo 05-06L

Organised by "2005-06L"

Hi, folks,

Resa for the big Retrouvailles 05 party.

All +1's are welcome.

On the program: chat, reminisce and have a good time with great music from the 2000s, food and drink!

A contribution of €60 per person is required to validate participation.

We'll take care of the rest!

Clotilde, Robert, Romain, Lionel and Camille

from Saturday 23 March
to Sunday 24 March 2024
02:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 17th March
Bridge House
42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris
  • 60 € Participation in the evening

Registration closed

Bridge House

42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris

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from Saturday 23 March
to Sunday 24 March 2024
02:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 17th March
Bridge House
42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris
  • 60 € Participation in the evening

Registration closed
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