J.O. VIOUT conference on 21.06.2022
Organised by "Rhône Alpes"
Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
Dear friend,
The association des ingénieurs des Ponts & Chaussées de la région lyonnaise(IPRhA) is pleased to invite you to an exceptional evening on
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 7 p.m. on the theme:
"The trial and escape of General De Lattre de Tassigny in Lyon in 1943".
"Commander of the 16th military division in Montpellier on , , when the free zone was invaded by German troops following the Allied landings in North Africa, then General de Corps d'Armée, de Lattre de Tassigny was arrested and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment by the Lyon section of the Tribunal d'État on January 9, 1943.for having disobeyed the government and, as the only active general to do so, ordered his troops to oppose the Germans. Escaping from Riom prison on September 3, 1943, he headed for London and Algiers, arriving there on December 20.cember 1943 after being promoted to the rank of army general on November 11, 1943 by General de Gaulle."He was posthumously elevated to the rank ofMarshal of France.
The conference will be hosted by Jean-Olivier VIOUT, Commander of the Legion of Honor and Honorary Public Prosecutor at the Lyon Court of Appeal.
Jean-Olivier VIOUT is also Chairman of the Montluc Memorial.
Jean-Olivier Viout is an exceptional witness who puts his exceptional oratorical skills at the service of remembrance.
This conference will take place at
2 place de la Bourse
69002 LYON
Tél 04 82 91 04 61
It will be followed by a dinner during which Jean-Olivier VIOUT will answer questions from the audience.
The cost of participation (conference+dinner) is :
- 35 €
Registrations must be made on the Ponts Alumni website
Furthermore, insofar as on June 07, 2022, at IPRhA's ordinary AGM, the quorum would not have been reached,
a second AGM will be held on June 21, 2022 at 6pm at the LYNC.
Best regards.
IPRhA office
See all events
Tuesday 21 June 2022
- 22:00
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 15th June
2 Pl. de la Bourse
35 € Participants
Registration closed
2 Pl. de la Bourse69002 Lyon
Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)
Metro A
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