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Groupe Construction : Conference with Vincent Piron : Project financing: a global approach to economic evaluation

Organised by "Construction"

The Construction Group is organizing a conference


Vincent PIRON
CEO of Piron Consulting

Using the example of the A19 freeway, built between 2006 and 2009,Vincent PIRON will explain how the Glopram approach helps to better assess the budgetary impact of projects.

A graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique (1968) and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (1973), Vincent Piron has built up recognized expertise in transport infrastructure throughout his career.
He was Director of Strategy and Investments at VINCI Concessions for almost 20 years.
Since 2010, he has headed a consulting firm specializing in transport, urban planning and contract economics (Piron Consulting). He has also published numerous articles on these subjects in specialist journals.

Tuesday 5 October 2021
18:30 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
Bridge House
42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris
  • 15 € for contributors (face-to-face)

  • 25 € for non-contributors and outsiders (face-to-face)

  • Free for contributors (by videoconference)

  • 5 € for non-contributors and outsiders (by videoconference)

Registration closed

Bridge House

42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris

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Tuesday 5 October 2021
18:30 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
Bridge House
42 Rue Boissière
75116 Paris
  • 15 € for contributors (face-to-face)

  • 25 € for non-contributors and outsiders (face-to-face)

  • Free for contributors (by videoconference)

  • 5 € for non-contributors and outsiders (by videoconference)

Registration closed
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