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X-Ponts Pierre Conference : Real Estate and Artificial Intelligence

Organised by "Real Estate Group (French)"

The X-Ponts Pierre group is pleased to invite you to a conference organized by Denys Alapetite (X-Ponts Pierre member) and Thomas Le Diouron (Impulse Partners).

Real Estate and Artificial Intelligence

Wednesday June 2, 2021
from 08:30 to 10:00 online at #Zoom

4 bidders :

o PriceHubble, Alexis Radjabi (VP Sales & Business Development): AI for ... real estate, its automatic qualification
o Spacemaker (Autodesk), Jean-Baptiste Watine : urban planning, urban form, its "automatic" design
o Sitowie, Pauline Koch: predictive renovation of envelopes and structures
o Fieldbox, Maxime Barrois: equipment maintenance

1 user: Covivio, Philippe Boyer, Innovation Director

The conference will be co-hosted by the organizers. Participants will be able to ask questions via the #Zoom chat.

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Wednesday 2 June 2021
    08:30 - 10:00 (GMT +2)
    Online event
    • 5 € for non-contributors and outsiders

    • Free for contributors (X and Ponts) and students

    Registration closed

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Wednesday 2 June 2021
    08:30 - 10:00 (GMT +2)
    Online event
    • 5 € for non-contributors and outsiders

    • Free for contributors (X and Ponts) and students

    Registration closed
  • 83 registrants
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