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Ponts Alumni General Assembly, followed by the Ponts evening

Ponts Alumni Annual General Meeting

by videoconference

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.


-Ordinary General Meeting (reserved for 2020 and 2021 subscribers):

Presentation of the moral and financial report
- Presentation of the 2021 budget
- Results of the elections to the Committee and presentation of newly elected members
- Voting on resolutions

Voting on resolutions will take place online (via a real-time poll).

19h15 - Soirée des Ponts (open to all) - Program

To participate remotely in the Annual General Meeting, please register!

A connection link will be sent to subscribers who have paid their membership fees,
, a few days before the event

Consult the preparatory documents for the Annual General Meeting (members-only access).

  • See replay
  • Tuesday 18 May 2021
    18:30 (GMT +2)
    Online event

    Registration closed

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  • See replay
  • Tuesday 18 May 2021
    18:30 (GMT +2)
    Online event

    Registration closed
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